Ready? Vamos mergulhar no tema dos negócios e como usar phrasal verbs em várias situações numa empresa.
Tem atenção aos seguintes aspectos desta parte da gramática inglesa.
Desta vez vamos pensar em três áreas diferentes dos negócios numa empresa.
Preparing a meeting
Bring forward – antecipar
Because of some important last-minute decisions, they had to bring forward the time of the meeting.
Come up – surgir um imprevisto
Something has come up and I can’t attend the meeting this afternoon.
Put back – adiar
We had to put back the meeting because the CEO can’t be present today.
Call off – cancelar
Let’s call off the meeting. We need to do more research on this before we’re ready to meet.
During the meetings
Turn up – chegar, aparecer
He always turns up late and disturbs the meetings.
Bring up – levar uma questão, apresentar uma ideia.
In our company we are encouraged to bring up any questions that we have.
Weigh up – considerar, ponderar
Before we make a final decision, we need to weight up all the advantages and disadvantages with this deal.
Look into – ir pesquisar mais
Let’s look into this a little more. We need to know more.
Cut in – interromper
She has the habit of cutting in when other people are speaking.
Going on – continuar sem fim
He goes on and on in the meetings. It would be better to be more succinct.
Drags on – arrasta-se por mais tempo do que necessário
Yesterday’s meeting dragged on for too long. Next time we need to be more succinct.
Put forward – apresentar, oferecer uma ideia, plano, etc.
She put forward a great new proposal and everyone agreed.
Making company decisions
Cut down on – reduzir, cortar
At the moment, we need to cut down on costs.
Keep up with – manter-se atualizado/a, acompanhar
We must keep up with the current changes in the market. It not, we’ll be left behind.
Draw up – preparar um acordo, documento, contrato
It’s finally time to draw up an agreement.
Bring out – lançar
Their company brings out new products every year.
Deal with – lidar com
We will find a way to deal with this crisis.
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